
          	©️T.O. Smith. All rights reserved.
          	It was another really bad day.
          	I watched Alex as he yanked on a pair of jeans before he strode over to me, a tender smile on his face. I only stared at him. “Come on, baby.” He coaxed as he pulled me up into a sitting position. I shook my head. I just wanted to lay in bed all day. He pressed my hand over his strong, steady heartbeat, his eyes locking on mine. I cast my eyes away from his, but he gripped my chin, turning my head back to face him. “Draw your strength from me.”
          	“Just leave me alone.” I grumbled, trying to pull my hand back.
          	Alex sighed and released me, but he sat down on the bed and pulled me onto his lap so that I was straddling him. He wrapped a hand around the back of my neck, forcing my hazel eyes to meet his yet again. My chest felt like it was about to cave in.
          	“I’m not leaving you alone, Trixie, because that would mean I’m giving up on you.” He told me, his tone booking no arguments. “We’re in this together, baby. You’re not getting rid of me so easily.”
          	Contains triggers such as bipolar depression, postpartum psychosis, mental health disorders, PTSD, body scars, violence
          	Books 1-5 are #FREE with #kindleunlimited!
          	Book 1 is also ONLY $0.99 to purchase!


          ©️T.O. Smith. All rights reserved.
          It was another really bad day.
          I watched Alex as he yanked on a pair of jeans before he strode over to me, a tender smile on his face. I only stared at him. “Come on, baby.” He coaxed as he pulled me up into a sitting position. I shook my head. I just wanted to lay in bed all day. He pressed my hand over his strong, steady heartbeat, his eyes locking on mine. I cast my eyes away from his, but he gripped my chin, turning my head back to face him. “Draw your strength from me.”
          “Just leave me alone.” I grumbled, trying to pull my hand back.
          Alex sighed and released me, but he sat down on the bed and pulled me onto his lap so that I was straddling him. He wrapped a hand around the back of my neck, forcing my hazel eyes to meet his yet again. My chest felt like it was about to cave in.
          “I’m not leaving you alone, Trixie, because that would mean I’m giving up on you.” He told me, his tone booking no arguments. “We’re in this together, baby. You’re not getting rid of me so easily.”
          Contains triggers such as bipolar depression, postpartum psychosis, mental health disorders, PTSD, body scars, violence
          Books 1-5 are #FREE with #kindleunlimited!
          Book 1 is also ONLY $0.99 to purchase!


this message may be offensive
Guys, NUMEROUS authors are having their books stolen and posted on this bullshit app called WoNovel.
          Linzvonc and Katrocks247 are just two authors I know off the top of my head that have had their books stolen and posted on this app.
          And that Ella Enchanted bitch? Some of may remember her from when she stole my book After Four Years and PUBLISHED it on Amazon. She also has books on that site too that she's stolen from VERY popular Wattpad authors.
          I have seriously had ENOUGH of this, and I'm terrified it's going to happen to me again.
          ALL books will be going to PATREON TONIGHT.
          I know this isn't much notice, and I'm extremely sorry, but I can't do these free reading sites anymore, especially knowing this Ella Enchanted girl is STILL stealing books from authors.
          I'm SO OVER THIS.
          I'll be posting this announcement on Inkitt and Wattpad as well.
          It's only $3 USD to follow me on Patreon - not expensive at all. But it protects my books just a little bit more than these free sites.
          Once again, I'm so sorry that I have to do this, but I'm just so over it.


@lookatmybookshelf all of my books will eventually be published, so just be on the lookout for when I announce ARCs :)


@tosmith I completely understand why you did this and I would follow you to Patreon if I could. I was really looking forward to reading Mine, Ours, and Theirs.


@Hokie-Girl we could if we wanted, but unfortunately,  it costs an obscene amount of money to sue someone


If you follow me on Patreon, I will post a new update of Kyle on Monday.
          I apologize for the delay, but I REALLY need to focus on editing Lucifer's Queen and Alex right now. Like - I can't stress the importance of me needing to focus on these. I've put them off for WAY too long, and release dates are about to smack me in the face. I'm NOT ready for them.
          Forgive me.


Hi from the FB group!  Looking forward to reading your work!


@angstyjane I hope you enjoy everything you read! 


I/WP Readers/Writers :)


@angstyjane Hi! Which FB group? I'm part of many. 