Hey there true believers!... Ok, so I might not secretly be Stan Lee, even though I'm never going to admit I'm not to Val. But I am Tiger Puppy, and I'm an amateur writer who enjoys playing the guitar and hanging out with with my girlfriend Val, AKA @thehiddenwriter819.
If you haven't checked out her account yet, she's awesome and has some great ideas. And while I might not be as good at all this internet writing stuff as her, I am working on something interesting. Scary even. But it's not a pure horror story for the sake of any light hearted readers. Fret not. Along with that, The Sacred Heart Stolen is a lovely little tale Im sure you will enjoy.
....Also, I'm an amateur writer IRL so critique is great, just have mercy while I shake the rust off. Enjoy!
- DołączyłSeptember 22, 2014
Zarejestruj się, aby dołączyć do największej społeczności pisarskiej

Hey if anybody still looks at my channel, I've got a lot of cool stuff in the works. Stay tuned! If you were brought here because I made Val make you follow me, you're welcome. ;3Zobacz wszystkie posty na Tablicy
Dzieło autorstwa tigerpuppy26
- 1 Opublikowane Dzieło

The Sacred Heart Stolen
Sometimes, in love, you bite off more than you can chew. Every guy knows that, and most experience this. She...