
Hello my lovelies! Hope you’re well. Let’s talk about books. First, I’m so excited for the After movie. Who’s excited and who’s read the books? Let’s talk about it and fangirl over Anna, Hardin & Tessa. ✨❤️


IMPORTANT NOTE: Hi guys! How are you all and what have you been up to? I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm absolutely sorry and i know how many times I've apologised but I truly mean it! You guys are such amazing people and I would love to get to know you guys! You guys are so talented and amazing. I just wanted to let you know that I'll be starting bieber imagines. I figured I cannot keep up with stories so I might as well just do short imagines that is taken upon your request or probably by something I'm inspired of so please, please personal message me or post it on my timeline with the required details:-
          Your name
          Your type (Jason McCann, Derek bieber, etc) 
          Your idea of what and how you would like the imagine to be. 
          Love you. :)


I was wondering if anybody wanted to collaborate a story with me? Let me know!! I would love to collaborate. 


 Oh my god, I'm so very sorry that I'm just seeing this message. I'm barely on wattpad and this is my last year of school and very important exams are coming ahead. I might to bieber imagines and the requests are shortly opened. :) 


@trillestzozo Hi i would love 2 do a collaboration with u if u dnt mind? ☺