Hey Guys! So i don’t know if y’all even remember me... or if I’m the old book in the library that’s covered in dust. But trust me I still live even when I don’t think I am. Anyways I kinda have a thing of news for you. Some of you know me in outside of wattpad and know what ive been going through, but if you don’t know me outside of this platform that’s okay too! But when I was creating some of my better story’s WAY back then... I think it was my way of coping at the time with what I was going through.... and then hit with my memory lost ontop of my already bad memory really wasn’t the best for the books. If your interested in learning more about what happened I can try and set up a discord or a book to speed you up on pretty much from the beginning of my account... Sorry for the long message! And don’t worry about coming off wrong with what I’ve been through, it gives me a chance to meet people and get rid of old standard stigma as well as might give a chance for others to come out!!