Fandoms I'm in:
Avenged sevenfold, Ed edd n eddy, Markiplier/Teamiplier
H.r. Pufnstuf, Creepypasta,Pokemon,South Park/any and all of trey parker and Matt stones work, Skinny puppy, Fnf, slashers ofc
  • my wedding venue
  • انضمDecember 7, 2022


قصص بقلم totally batty
~fpe oneshots~ بقلم totally_batty
~fpe oneshots~
sometimes open for requests... this is mainly miss grace for my bestie ~forever your least favorite author ch...
garcello oneshot compilation  بقلم totally_batty
garcello oneshot compilation
all by me for me so might not be the best for others unless ↓↓ you have autism, are plus size/chubby, have so...
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