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ok so tdy, while i was attending  online classes, i started having an tic attack, and then the teacher called out my name to answer an question, one of my tics is to bang my hand on whatever surface closeset, SO WHILE TRYING TO CONVERT KELVIN INTO FAHRENHIET AND CELCUIS I BANG ON THE WOODEN TABLE, AND GASPED IN PAIN BC IT FUCK HURT AND NOW THE ENTIRE CLASS THINKS I HAD SEGGS DURING SCIENCE CLASE HELP


ce message peut être offensant
ok so tdy, while i was attending  online classes, i started having an tic attack, and then the teacher called out my name to answer an question, one of my tics is to bang my hand on whatever surface closeset, SO WHILE TRYING TO CONVERT KELVIN INTO FAHRENHIET AND CELCUIS I BANG ON THE WOODEN TABLE, AND GASPED IN PAIN BC IT FUCK HURT AND NOW THE ENTIRE CLASS THINKS I HAD SEGGS DURING SCIENCE CLASE HELP


 #ranboosupremcy there isnt nearly enough ranboo content on this platform


also, i was thinking of making a reader list of some of the ranboo book i found, even tho i havent read almost all of them, would u be interested in that


aaaayyyyy, send me the link when u start, u could even reach out me if u need ideas if u want!


@totallynottessa  it’s true, that’s why im gonna write one as soon as i finish one of my current book 