
Did anyone else notice that there are 123 reads/views/whatever-you-call-the-eye-symbol-on-a-book on Welcome to Summerside? As much as I want more, I like that. Consecutive... it's nice.


Sentence challenge thingy! Yay! You post a sentence, I use it in some way to write a short story. Any and all stories will be put in my book, Snippets from the Mind, with a shout-out to the original sentence creator and the sentence itself. Alright, lets do this thing!


I've decided to do challenge myself a little bit with this thing I'm going to do. Every two weeks, I'll ask you as my followers to leave a sentence in the comments. I will pick my favorite and create a story revolving around or directly using that sentence. I'm hoping that this will help me not only create enjoyable content for you guys, but also act as practice for my writing skills. If I'm lucky, I could be able to write anything after a while! You can only leave one sentence per comment, but I don't care how many comments you put.


It's Lainey coolio here ;-)


Nope! Didn't cross my mind. Lol


@laineycools bet you thought that @reiafaith was my account but alas, I am mysterious like that...