
there's a frozen podcast on Spotify!! I just found out about it and it is interesting, to say the least. there re some new characters and they sound really cool!!


I just watched the livestream for the Wisdom saga and holy hell was I surprised. no spoilers but when I heard God Games I didn't think my love for Hera would grow stronger but I was wrong. when I listened to her voice I immediately thought she was ten times hotter than Zeus. And Hephaestus being played by Jorge's dad is just amazing—first his mother in the Underworld Saga, and now his dad in the Wisdom Saga. Now we need his sister and the package is complete lol.


@totantirft I'm glad you enjoyed it! <33
            ~Love, Sunset


help! I gave my friends the idea that we should make a book where we all were sucked into these four portals and transported into four different fantasy worlds. I called dibs on Camp Half-Blood, and now I'm just waiting for everyone else to pick theirs. It will be everyone sharing their experiences in their worlds and I think it will be so funny.


@totantirft That's awesome; I hope you enjoy it! <33
            My week's been kind of up & down; the interactions on my message board and most of my books have taken a devastating nosedive, and I haven't been able to finish any new chapters for my main books.
            The main bright spots have been the comments some of my other friends have left on my latest chapters, and the sweet support toward my second graphics vault book. <3
            ~Love, Sunset


@totantirft That sounds amazing! I'll keep an eye out for it. Team Apollo Cabin! 
            (Also, glad to hear you're having a good week. )


@SunsetMercer I am having a good week. especially since tomorrow is the live stream for Epic: The Wisdom Saga. I am so excited!
            how has your week been so far?


should I make a SoD au where Julie was adopted by Kai instead of Agnarr and Iduna? I was thinking about this while reading the first chapter of SoD and thought it would be really cool and fun to do. I'm still thinking about how to outline the Kai and Gerda love story that I told you guys about but I'm still thinking about some ideas so bear with me.


@totantirft (Sure! ) (I'll love that ^^}


can someone please make a video where they have the song Life is Sweeter without the Jaladdin part? please? for my sanity?


"Appetite for destruction, a girl's gotta eat."
            I loved Red! Cant' wait for D5!!


@totantirft I'm so glad I'm not the only one who cringed at the Jaladdin bit


@SunsetMercer not sure what’s going on with my account, I haven’t been online in days because I’m helping my family who are dealing with flood damage but this was the only channel I found where I can find you sunset. I saw you left me some questions but it’s not letting me answer or reply to them. Totantirft not sure if you’re having trouble too, maybe you can pass this on to sunset? I’ll try to get my account fixed in the meantime not sure what the bug is. 


okay, I was rewatching the first 2 Descendants movies yesterday and this question has been in my head all day. Mal said in the first movie that there's no wifi on the Isle. if that's the case then how do their TVs work? I see no antenna or solar panel or anything. and how are their TVs automatically turned on to the broadcasts of Auradon? Are they just trying to brag? cause if so then that's just cruel.


@totantirft The end of the second movie Evie and Mal convinced Ben to help bring more kids back to auradon. They wanted to gain vks trust that they will have a better life. No wifi and stuff were when the beast was king because he thought villans were no good. Ben decided to change all that.