Trapper after stepping in a bear trap that snaps the leg off deers: * is okay * Trapper after getting hit by a thin piece of wood not even moving that fast: ow ow ow... hey that’s mean! My head hurts now!
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//; i’ve literally played one game as the killer with ofc the trapper and i immediately went.... ok, so i might change my entire game plan for this man
Trapper after stepping in a bear trap that snaps the leg off deers: * is okay * Trapper after getting hit by a thin piece of wood not even moving that fast: ow ow ow... hey that’s mean! My head hurts now!
well,, this is awkward.. how did you get in here?? door was,, locked. or it was..
how do you have the patience to work with those traps ?? seems pretty tedious to me .
* he briefly startles from where he’s hunched over the wooden slab he calls a desk. his traps are there, jaws gaping and splattered in blood. he’s been cleaning the metal, careful to avoid the trigger that’s larger than most to ensure morons are actually caught. the other excels at moving around quietly, he knows that and it uneases him. so he wordlessly stares for a few moments, before giving a half-hearted shrug. he was never ashamed to admit he depended on these contraptions, perhaps that’s why he had such patience.. he’d never really acknowledged it. it had never felt like a chore, it had felt like perhaps unfairly getting extra help * @gutslasher
oh , no , nononO , wait , please — !
⚘ @tracksyou * claudette wasn ’ t entirely sure why this madman actually heeded her request , but she wasn ’ t going to complain , either . one moment , she sat with he back against a wall as he loomed over her , and the next , she was tearing through the woods , literally running for her life . she gets a feeling . an awful , dreadful feeling of déjà vu . and a realization that the chances her making it out of this alive were pitifully low *
* it’s up to him, isn’t it? whether he listens to them or not, whether he lifts his crude blade, whether they escape scrambling with gasping pants. so he stares down at them, ever the towering presence, weapon languid at his side. his lungs are burning, but no stimulated breaths betray that. it’s exhilaration, whispering to him and making his nerves and muscles crackle. he chooses to hesitate, his head barely moving. it’s probably what they need, that extra time he graciously dishes out to them. they’re doing him a favour; he can taste this chase, he will savour it in his bones and on his tongue * @WIREDIFFERENTLY
i thought we agreed that YOU were gonna stop putting traps down .
* ah, this was going in circles. he glances fleetingly back down at the traps set in front of him, lips pressed together under his mask in brief irritation. yes, it might be his fault for perhaps ‘pettily’ refusing to remove his traps but he holds onto the thought he /is/ helping them. just in case the survivors got too cocky, is all. they mention a name, ‘joey’. he draws a blank, he knows they all work together like a pack of frenzied stray dogs but they all merged into the same blur at the end of the day. he knew of frank, really, and that was it. by the time they’re pacing and have finished up their rant, he turns back to the traps ahead of him, already all too disinterested * @entitycalls
@tracksyou / * it’s a bit relaxing to see that he’s actually acknowledging his complaints but he probably sounds like a whiny teenager . which he can’t complain about considering he is . * okay big man . / STOP / leaving your traps around the snowy place . y’know the skiing stuff , the broken down machinery and shit . yeah , that place . i had joey step in one of your traps and i had to come talk to you before he whined to me for days . * he keeps going , pacing around the place with the occasional look back at the trapper . *
* he chooses to acknowledge them. he’s sat down, rather peacefully for once and his muscles are relaxed. he’s been mindlessly.. tinkering, fingers brushing over traps that need to be fixed but languidness never quite let him finish the job required. so someone disrupting his cycle of procrastination is welcome. at least, briefly, as soon as they open their mouth and begin complaining. he’s not surprised, but he sighs and only shrugs. did he give an agreement? he doesn’t recall ever confirming one, so he settles on that * @entitycalls
fuck off why can’t you leave me ALONE !!
@tracksyou / * she gauges his reactions , though it’s hard to tell from the distance . her expression slowly falls from the questioning look she gave him to a suspicious one . there was probably another trap , one that was hidden somewhere in the tall grass . now that she thought about it , she takes a quick glance around , looking for the familiar glint of metal before slowly letting down her guard just enough . * spare me or just toy with me long enough that i’ll eventually give up . or maybe i’ll let you chase me until all the generators are done .
* there’s that dangerous curl of agitation that stirs in his gut — why was she questioning that? — but it disappears as quickly as it came. emotions were petty interferences, they mostly got in the way and he excelled at keeping calm and having a one-track mind. he watches them initiate the distance, chooses to not react to that and toy with them as some would. but he only shrugs, refusing to cooperate in this conversation with an explanation. it’d be too easy then, if she got trapped and all he had to do was tower above her and drive her downfall down. yes, boring * @palletvault
@tracksyou / * she follows his finger , slowing down enough to see the glint in the grass . immediately reeling back from the trap as if she can already feel the sharp teeth digging into her ankle . well , that was quite odd from them to actually point out their own traps or whatever . meg hops over an open window to put some distance between the two before she stares at him . raising an eyebrow in confusion . * why did you .. point out your own trap . you could have gotten me if you didn’t , i was running in that direction .
/ brO
//; oh mood,,, i just have an unhealthy obsession of making as many anons as possible and being active on them before neglecting them for ages aaaaaaa!! @WIREDIFFERENTLY
//; i’ve literally played one game as the killer with ofc the trapper and i immediately went.... ok, so i might change my entire game plan for this man
/ YES ELLIE YES I LOVE MBV BABES so ,, you’re the trapper huh . whats with you leaving traps all over the place huh .
@tracksyou / his eyes narrow behind his blood stained mask , knowing that he was understanding what the teen was saying yet he said nothing . well , not the weirdest thing he has came across considering there is that weird michael myers guy . who gave him the creeps when he caught him staring . it was slightly different though , vague actions and wordless answers that he seemed to understand . “ so ,, i guess that’s an agreement then . you stop leaving traps around and ,, and yeah . that’s pretty much it i guess . “ frank trails off , catching his knife between his fingers before putting it away . his anger slowly dissolved now that he didn’t have an exact reason to be mad about .
* snow.. yes. he remembers those days, when the estate had winters hit it hard. the land would become white, and whenever he was sent out to hunt and trap and whittle down his prey even he had to be careful. he learnt, though, saw telltale signs. he eyes them, as if truly considering ridding the misery of avoiding traps forever from their life. he’ll think about it. he continues to listen, because that’s what he’s good at. listening and doing, doing for one specific man and not so much for other people. the survivors.. yes, it’s doubtful they’ll come across here. but he was always a man of taking precautions, thinking of the worst scenarios. they said you needed to be several steps ahead of a creature like him, but he was already an entire mile ahead always. it’s how he functioned. so again, he only gives a shrug. let them think that, he was doing them a favour. paranoia, is what some would say. survival, is what would retort if he saw them worthy of such verbal conversation * @entitycalls
@tracksyou / " i mean at least keep the traps outta our area . you can have them somewhere else but stay off our place . they get hard to see with the snow piling up on them and shit . " he continues , still complaining until he gets a response . slowly starting to quiet down as he leans against a tree , fiddling with his knife . " though i don't understand why you leave them lying around anyways . doesn't make any sense for them to be all over the place . it ain't like the survivors will reach us here . "
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