
cb  tgcfrpc  !!  specify  mood  :)  moots  can  request  spam,  lit, au’s or discord stuff!!


*   lil  first  meet  here..


*   waahh  guoshi  fangxin  stuff  here,   and  on  mohan  &  lqq!!


this message may be offensive
yin  shui?   (..)    im..   sorry,   i  spaced  out.   is  the meeting  over?
          *     so  i  have  no  doubt  that  the  gilded   banquet   massacre  rlly  fucked  him  up  so  context  is  yin  shui  staying  back  until  his  prince  dissociates..   a  little  after  they  ascend


            please,   just..   leave  it.  i  understand  that  you  feel  guilty,  and  are  grieving,  but  hearing  of  this  again  is..  far  from  pleasant.  what  happened  can’t  be  changed.


doesnt  mean  i  cant  feel  guilty  about  what  happened.    mohan  was  my  best  friend,   his  entire  family─  and  it  was..  my  fault  that  master-    that  fangxin  was  made  state  preceptor  anyway.


            do  not  be  silly,  how  can  you  say  that  ?  you  were  not  aware  of  what  the  night  would  turn  to,  no  one  was.


absolutely  not.     (..)    my  original  form  can  live  on  in  your  memory.   ..  ill  never  use  it  if  i  dont  have  to.


...   forget  it.    i  dont  expect  you  to  understand.    you  never  had  to  work  extra  hard  just  because  of  your  height.   other  things,   sure.    but  never  because  of  your  height.


            i  do  not  understand  why  you  would  dislike  it  ..?  guoshi  had  told  me  once  not  to  underestimate  those  just  because  they  are  shorter  than  i  am,   after  you  had  beaten  me  in  our  spar.  your  height  is  not  a  bad  thing?


quit  it.    just  ───     quit.    do  you  know  what  its  like  to  begin  to  hate  your  body  because  of  the  words  of  one  man.     (..)   stop.   calling  me.    small.


fix  your  posture.     otherwise  its  easy  to  shove  you  back.   (..)    there.   do  you  see  my  point?   now  raise  your  sword.   
          *    the  thing  i  mentioned  in  disc..


shorter  doesnt  necessarily  mean  weaker,   yīn  shuǐ.   keep  that  in  mind.    (..)       mhm.     keep  in  mind  i  wont  be  the  easiest  teacher.    are  you  sure  this  is  what  you  want?


            shorter..   and  he  still  managed  to  make  me  stumble.  teach  me,  please,   guoshi.  i  want  to  learn  how  to..  defend  myself  properly.


if  you  plant  your  feet  firmly,   people  will  have  a  harder  time  shoving  you  around.      mohan  is  right,   no  doubt  he's  had  to  do  something  similar  due  to  being  shorter.


yīn  shuǐ!!    good  morning!     ive  got  your  usual  all  ready  to  go!
          *    and  now  modern..    soff


i  mean..  she's  having  our  friends  child,   so  you  could  at  least  try?     pfft..   did  you  know  they're  looking  into  buying  a  house?    a-qiu  is  so  smitten  with  him..


            mph..   ///.   is  this  meant  to  sweeten  my  opinion  of  her  ?  i  promised  qianqiu  i  would  be  nice  to  him,  but  i  did  not  promise  a  /  truce  /.


..?    you  mean  his  girlfriend?    (..)     yin  shui,    my  love—!    he's  not  that  bad.   a  little  crass,   but  he's  not..   that  bad.    also..    she's  pregnant.   so  be  nicer!


did  i..   collapse?     ah.      ///      yīn  shuǐ?     shuǐ'er!    you  can  put  me  down  now.
          *   different  thing  of  yin  shui  finding  out  mohan's  ill..


i  dont  think  anything  gets  past  the  guoshi's  notice.   like..    i  /tried/,    and  all  he  did  was  make  me  this  bitter  tea  and  tell  me  to  drink  and  take  it  easy.


            he  knows  ?  it  is  not  surprising  that  guoshi  has  never  made  you  run  laps  then,  i  did  not  think  about  that.


really,    it's  his  fault.   everytime  the  guoshi  makes  him  writes  lines,    he  complains  he'd  rather  run  laps.    (..)    haha.   dont  worry.   guoshi  fang  xin  never  makes  me  run  laps.


...?     you  know,    most  people  wouldn't  risk  falling  asleep  near  a  devastation.   (..)   come  on,   up.   i  made  you  some  breakfast.


hehe!     thank  youu  shuǐ'er!     mwah.


            you!-     -/////!   fine,    i  have  a  few.  what  a  child,  take  them.  


so..   my  god  has  no  candies  to  offer  this  poor  ghost?    oh  woe!    im  going  to  die  again...  :(


yīn  shuǐ!    [..]    what  the  hell  did  you  /do/  back  then?
          *    ^      punched  him.     this  is..   right  after  mohan  &   lqq  reunited,    i  want  to  note  that  lqq  was  pretty  oblivious  to  their  little  turmoil  back  then  and  just  thought  they  were  bickering  


            shut  up  !  do  you-   really  have  any  idea  what  it  is  like  to  fear  someone  is  just  /  using  /  you  ?  playing  with  your  heart,  just  to  toss  you  to  the  side  ?  you  have  no  idea  because  you  were  born  /  normal  /  !  i  was  so  afraid,  back  then.  i  knew  mohan  would  never  do  that,  but  the  nagging  feeling  would  not  go  away.  i  realised..   perhaps  he  was  not  teasing  me.  far  too  late.  
            [   the  god  of  tranquilities  bottom  lip  quivers,  but  his  eyes  show  everything.  oceans  that  clash  with  violent  waves.  ]  ..  i  will.  i  promised  him  i  would.


are  you  ..    are  you  /serious/?!     mohan  loved  you.   i  dont  think  ive  ever  seen  someone  put  that  much  effort  into  trying  to  prove  themselves,   and  you-   (   he  grits  his  teeth,   his  fist  hitting  the  wall—   the  wall  cracking.   )     fix  it.     i  dont  care  how,     but  /fix/  it.   mohan  was  one  of  my  closest  friends,     do  you  have  any  idea  how  much  it  hurts  seeing  him  like  this.


            ..   he  had  admitted  feelings  for  me,  but  i  was  afraid,    so  i  told  him  he  could  not  possibly  love  me.  that  he  /  did  not  /  love  me.  you  do  not  need  to  remind  me  how  awful  those  words  are.  i  was  just..  different,  and  another  had  broken  what  was  left  of  my  own  heart  because  of  it.  i  did  not  wish  to  harm  him—   i  didn’t-


mohan's  heart  hurts.    he  hasn't  stopped  crying    since  his  last  encounter  with  yin  shui.    he's  never  cared  for  what  yin  shui  was  born  as,   truly.    he  just  loved  the  taller  boy  for   who  he  was.    but..    he  hasn't  been  himself  for  a  few  weeks.   absolutely  snapping  at  any  challengers  that  think  he's  still  unworthy,   not  smiling,   a  dead  look  in  his  eyes.     "...   huh?  "    he  glances  over  to  see  yīn  shuǐ.    he's  the  last  person  he  wants  to  see,   and  his  eyes  already  sting.     how  much  can  he  possibly  take?    he's  leaving  him  alone  like  he  wanted.     why  can't  he  just..    mohan  swallows  his  thoughts  away.  "..   did  you  need  something?  "
          *     before  the  banquet  but  mohan's  heartbreak  era..    


mohan  stands  up,   quiet.    a  hand  unconsciously  messing  with  the  red  ribbon  tying  his  hair  in  a  ponytail.    it  comes  undone,   and  mohan  blinks.    "...   ah.   sorry.  "     he  mumbles  it  quietly,   but  it  sounds  so  unlike  mohan.    dead  eyes  glance  over  at  the  taller,   head  tilting  to  the  side  ever  so  slightly. 


            his  world  begins  to  spin  at  the  sight  of  mohan,   what  has  become  of  him  makes  yīn  shuǐ  nauseous,  because  he  knows  the  cause.  knows  that  he  did  this.  that  the  fragile  person  he  is  made  this  happen,  all  because  he  was  /  afraid  /.  “  ..   no—      no,   i  do  not..  need  anything  !  i  don’t-   ”   teeth  grit  together,  looking  rather  terrified.  it’s  an  unusual  look  on  his  face,   given  how  /  he  /  hurt  mohan.  perhaps  it’s  due  to  that  reason,  that  he  really  isn’t  prepared  for  sudden  interactions  like  this.  