
My first ever video game was the Super Mario browser for the wii. I didn't really care for video games back then. It was my brother's thing. He loved Legos, Mario, black ops, and halo. I didn't really care for any of that until I discovered mhw and dark souls-3. These games ignited a passion in me that later transferred to writing, too.
          	I recently replayed ac6, I'm currently S-ranking all missions with Walter's build, which absolutely sucks since I'm used to speedy bois.
          	I wanted to make an ac story since I've only seen 1 good one that's complete 


My first ever video game was the Super Mario browser for the wii. I didn't really care for video games back then. It was my brother's thing. He loved Legos, Mario, black ops, and halo. I didn't really care for any of that until I discovered mhw and dark souls-3. These games ignited a passion in me that later transferred to writing, too.
          I recently replayed ac6, I'm currently S-ranking all missions with Walter's build, which absolutely sucks since I'm used to speedy bois.
          I wanted to make an ac story since I've only seen 1 good one that's complete 


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So, the latest 2 chapters for INH I don't know how to feel about, I wanted to toy with the idea that the story is told from four perspectives, mainly.
          From Y/n the bio engineered weapon of mass destruction and as you'll see self destruction.
          Bakugou, the ball of pent-up angst and self-worth issues.
          Himiko, the crazy energetic hemophilia extrodanare 
          And the fourth perspective, which I'll post later today or tomorrow, toshinori yagi with his adventures of learning just how fucked all for one really is and the horrors he created on his path to making the nomu
          I wanted some opinions on that though, is it a good idea, I feel like himikos chapter was a little short but I wasn't sure what to do, I'll more then likely go pack to pad it out and make it more compelling 
          Please give me some opinions 


So for any of you who have token enough pity on me too follow, here an announcement! 
          I'm posting a story again...
          I know...
          But this time theirs prep work! It's already planned out from start to finish!  I just need to to smooth out the kinks and post it! That being said it was planned on paper not phone, so the transfer will take time! It's called one for all 1,000,000%
          Please check it out


I look forward to reading it when you post it


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So for those who are paying me any attention 
          First: why, there are much better and MORE CONSISTENT authors, like zero0420
          Second: I wanted to address something for my current story, I gonna finish it specifically up to the beginning of dxd hero will be faithful to the anime, once I reach hero I'm gonna Essentially begin the Monarch arc from solo leveling. The problem though is I'm now a fully employed adult who wroks in the United States military,  and that comes with alot of responsibility and new priorities. this has always been a minor hobby but due to the stress of my job and the world I'm trying to write more, so just know I'm gonna write more, but remember I'm not always gonna have the time.
          Third: the dxd story is kinda an intro to this character that I'm gonna use an other stories, the how character got on before doing stuff. After dxd I'm gonna do stuff like akame ga kill, kill LA kill, bnha, attack on titan. I have lots of stuff planned and will probably do two books at a time If I'm hitting any massive blocks.
          Four: I'm probably redo chapter 1, probably want that idea to put him at level 37 immediately 


@trestcone this was all a fuckin lie! Why am so bad at this!?


So..... um spring cleaning am i right?
          Yeah i ave neglected alot of my stories and I dont want some them to just sit there collecting votes via something probably going to not be touched for awhile. Thats why i will be deleting some stories and unpublishing the one i want to keep, then i will focus soley on one story, this will be my last shot at this, so pray for my success!


@ trestcone  May the emperor guards your success, brother