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i do miss writing very much.. idek what happened, at the time it made sense but i don't even know now. i think i put off writing because of school but that's died down drastically since that time and allot of the academic burdens i had then are gone with the wind now, but even with that being said i got so comfortable not writing that i just stopped it all together and then i fell into deep and drowning writers block which i'm stILL trying to shake. i had allot of relationship problems, friendship problems and mental/emotional problems which i'm still having now and that i suppose will never change but i do have time now, i mean fucking lots of it. i turn 15 in two days so that'll be an interesting step. anyway i'm allot less emo and cringey now lmao,, but i miss writing and i miss the community and i miss making you guys happy with the shitty garbage i write that you guys for some reason think is decent.. so i'm definitely back and here to stay with love and bitchiness ❣