
Hey, I was just checking your profile and had a nosy at your google spreadsheets of bxb books, particularly the dropped section. And I just want to say, goodluck with the current book you’re reading, you know the one. (´ー`) 


@turmaawen yes I’d highly recommend checking out my reading lists.
            I do have ideas pop into my head whenever I read a book, like what I would do for certain situations instead, I kinda just feed off that for my ideas to blossom. I have one book I’m currently developing, I’m just drafting the outline so I haven’t actually wrote it. Plus I’m a huge procrastinator and have a major case of writers block (though that’s probably an excuse, I’m really just a perfectionist).


@Aya-In-Wonderland Oh, okay. Good to know, when I need one (probably soon), I'll go choose from your list.
            No, my imagination isn't too great to try and write book myself.


@turmaawen though I like it when books address serious and mature themes, I’m too sensitive and dark themed books aren’t really my cup of tea ┐(◠‿◠ )┌  I prefer light hearted books that soothe my soul. 
            Have you thought about writing a book yourself?


Thanks for the follow, hope you enjoy my stories xo  :)


@ FKNichols17 I'm reading my first story from you, but I know I will love others just like I love The Soul of a Bird Never Flies. I hope more people find out how great stories you have. It's so unfair that poorly written stories are more known than yours that are well written and have an interesting story.