Hey so this is what's up, I'm going to start a new series I'm assuming it will be around three books but we never know am I right. So the first will be The Averages, then the Preps, and then The Nerds. And this is a series having to do with certain school groups. I need character names and personalities for the preps, I need two girls and three guys. So send in options for me please!!!
What the character needs:
-Name(first and last)
- (optional) sexuality
-family( like there siblings and if so their age as well as there names, and if they live with a parent or other family member)
- label besides prep ( Cheerleader, valedictorian, singer, Queen bee, school slut, dancer, artist, badass, football captain, ect, CANT BE A NERD OR GAMER.)
-living style
-relationship status
-hobbies and interests
- (optional) there big secret
-Extra notes on character that you think is important for me to know.
You can only submit two entries, and remember I'm only picking two girls and three guys!
Good luck and God Speed!✨