Dear Sheheit Who Bothered To Read,
(In any future which this unknown user is granted the pleasure to entertain with works I procrastinate for)
ELLO! Pleasure to meet you. I would obviously shake your hand but as you can see, there's no function for that.
IM A PRONOUN-CONFUSED, 'DUDE'-LIKE, ANNOYING DUMBASS (as quoted from many loving people). So many nicknames have been granted to humble little me, that my knighted name would surely be:
Sir Maddie Hatter Dude who is secretly a Witch who has fetishes for the Mad Hatter and craze for Paos, triumphing over wars among Godzilla and especially Meowdusa blah blah blah etc etc etc
I agree, I sound like the best name any nation has known.
A bookcrazed otaku that will choose books, manga and anime over anything, anyday. So far I have drafts but Procrastination is currently attaching thumbscrews on my fingers so haha...ha...ha.... (If future me did publish anything, then I give future me a pat on the back!)
If you're still here, *peers at you from the screen* *closer* *CLOSER* then thanks for bothering to use your precious time!
Sincerely sorry if I offended you in anyway regarding matters of pronouns,
(Lame attempts for improved terms like sheheit & herhimit)
Calipso :) (Who needs a nose these days? LET'S ALL BE KORO-SENSEI)
PS. Have I mentioned how paranoid I am?
(⌒-⌒; )
(; ̄O ̄)
(; ̄ェ ̄)
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( ̄Д ̄)ノ
\(☆ 3☆)/
☆ °•°•°•°CC
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- Somewhere Over The Rainbow
- InscritMay 4, 2016
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