My pen name is Tyler Morgan and I live in Smithsburg, Maryland. I love writing and I am a bit of a geek if I do say so myself. I love music and I am 1st chair trumpet at my school and I am learning the violin. I live in a family of five and I am the oldest child out of me, my brother, and my sister. Although it's hard to believe I have friends spread out across Leitersburg, Williamsport, and Hagerstown Maryland. My favorite pastimes are writing, baseball, sleeping, video games, YouTube, eating, and buying things that I like.
  • Smithsburg, MD
  • Připojen/aJanuary 1, 2019

Příběh od Tyler Morgan
GAME OVER od tylermorgan1701
Tom Rodriguez is a part of the 75th Regiment of the Aerial Survey Corps. It's he and his crews job to survey...
+ 2 další(ch)