
Hello everyone!
          	I have unpublished all of my fics. I haven’t updated any of them since January and I just feel uncomfortable writing them anymore.
          	Thank you all for your continued support and I hope the few years I was writing did something good for somebody.
          	As of right now, I probably won’t be writing any more fanfiction. But who knows!
          	Thank you all once again.


Hello everyone!
          I have unpublished all of my fics. I haven’t updated any of them since January and I just feel uncomfortable writing them anymore.
          Thank you all for your continued support and I hope the few years I was writing did something good for somebody.
          As of right now, I probably won’t be writing any more fanfiction. But who knows!
          Thank you all once again.


Hey... hey.. how yall doin?
          Uhm I JUST UPDATED DOORMAN !!!! woohoo good job me! there’s about two more parts left so see yall in another year (jk i hope) 
          so.. corona amirite? anyways ive been taking ap classes so things have been difficult but i hope this satisfies yall.


@Darbzixe thank you so much! that means a lot to me :) just know i have more fanworks in the future and am even planning some original works!!


@uhmwendyhere wow, I'm gonna miss doorman once it's over, it's honestly one of those fics that I've read over and over again because it's so good. :)


Hey you guys! Sorry I’ve been gone for a while! Just so you know, I’m working on another Michael x Reader one-shot (super fluffy!) and I’m planning on updating Doorman within the next couple of weeks!
          I appreciate all of the responses I’ve gotten, and I never could have started writing again if it wasn’t for all of you.
          I love you all! x


As long we known your alive and well we’re happy 


we love you ❤️


Take your time. Love you