

all i can say is please support your artist friends, your support is enough to fill that joy into their hearts. every artist needs it to gain strenght and trust with themselves that they can push through and that their hardwork is not  a waste :)
          love you all and Stay safe!


i really want to go on a cute coffee date with anyone, we'll just talk about BTS, science, the universe or life. ANYTHING that just doesn't include TIKTOK, FAMOUS PEOPLE AT SCHOOL AND THEIR SEX LIFE, GOSSIPING AND OTHER MORE THINGS THAT ONLY BANDWAGONS DO
          most of the friends i have near me are like that and there are a lot things that we aren't alike. they're a lot loud and extrovert, they don't enjoy serious talks and coffee/tea...


hi ! 
          i hope you’re having a great day ! good luck on whatever you have going on this week ! yuh :)
          - ky :)


@-INFINITAES OMG THANK YOU! I HOPE YOU DO TOO! this so nice of you! (i literally needed something like this right now because nothing is going so well with my life) tbh college is killing me but anyways thank you! ❤❤ im busting so much uwu thnx to you  (im being honest tho really there are not much people do this)