
Who's gonna be the first to say goodbye? :(  Whatever makes you happy Zayn...


Just finished re-reading all the comments from "Changing Views" that I never got to reply to. I JUST WANT TO SAY, I LOVE ALL THE PEOPLE WHO COMMENTED AND I REALLY REALLY APPRECIATE IT. I hope you guys would be able to read this (even though most of the comments were from a 1 year to a month ago). THANK YOU AGAIN :) 
          P.S. For those who are asking for the letter, I have plans for that, but it's part of a surprise that took 1 year in the making so yeah. xx


Check out my new work :) It's just a compilation of Love Quotes by me. Post more soon! xx please feel free to leave your comments :) 
          Also, stay tuned because I'm planning to post two new stories on by the first quarter of the year xx Take care everyone :)