I love you Ru! life is hard but the good thing about life is it goes on, I know life makes things seem harder than they are but we get challenges that help us become strong. you are strong and just think, soon you can move out and get away from the crazy people. life can be crazy, but you can control how crazy it can get. you make choices in life and sometimes life chooses choices for you. Life gets crappy but that's what makes us, us. family is important no matter what but if you want to get away, wait till you get old enough to move out on your own. don't take the most previous thing we have in this world; life. We live to feel and to be strong and to pull through. you're so young, you haven't been able to experience life and you will if you continue the fabulous journey of life. if you ever, and I mean ever need me, I am here to talk 24/7