• انضمAugust 6, 2020


الرسالة الأخيرة
valerieau2 valerieau2 Nov 03, 2021 12:24PM
Hey Fams,I really want to give credits to arose4you and ashleyluvz!!!  They’re talented writers and very nice people!  I hope you have a look at they’re work as well as mine’s!  Best Regards,Valer...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم Valerie
The Dead End بقلم valerieau2
The Dead End
Mandy is a popular girl, she is the toppest student in her whole school, she can even boss her siblings, esp...
The Dark Murder بقلم valerieau2
The Dark Murder
Someone came into our house to murder. As a family, we are all afraid and shocked. We live in an old big hous...
5 قوائم قراءة