
Writer's block. Two terrifying words. but how do you deal with it? 
          	I've been needing to finish my fic Dumped for over a year now but I'm still stumped. I have the three remaining chapters roughly outlined but whenever I sit down to write, the flow of the story and the little quirky details that make the work so much fun for me aren't hitting quite right. I need ideas. Or inspiring words to trigger ideas. 
          	I know how the work to end. I'm just struggling to breathe life into the lungs of the fic that otherwise have no personality. 
          	I recently graduated with my BA in May 2019 and a lot of the motivation that was fueling my work on Dumped up until that point was my need to blow off steam and think about anything else aside from the stress of my degree. Then I landed a new full time job, left my old gig, and quit volunteering. That's when the desire to do nothing outside of my 9 to 5 kind of quashed everything. But, now I've had a few months of adjusting to life post-college and I am settled in to my new job. I've taken up my old hobbies like knitting and reading and started a new one (I am now the keeper of a much larger fish tank). I think I'm finally emotionally ready (emotionally recovered, more like it) to get back into writing for fun. And finish this damn fic, the thought of which has never left me. 
          	So thoughts? Comments? Insightful words of wisdom?


@vegapolarnorth what's a beta reader??


@vegapolarnorth find some random ass thing and become completely obsessed with it. Ive published 11.5k words for a new fanfic on ao3 just this week. Also, beta readers save lives. Without mine i wouldnt have made it past the first two chapters of my new ao3 fic


Writer's block. Two terrifying words. but how do you deal with it? 
          I've been needing to finish my fic Dumped for over a year now but I'm still stumped. I have the three remaining chapters roughly outlined but whenever I sit down to write, the flow of the story and the little quirky details that make the work so much fun for me aren't hitting quite right. I need ideas. Or inspiring words to trigger ideas. 
          I know how the work to end. I'm just struggling to breathe life into the lungs of the fic that otherwise have no personality. 
          I recently graduated with my BA in May 2019 and a lot of the motivation that was fueling my work on Dumped up until that point was my need to blow off steam and think about anything else aside from the stress of my degree. Then I landed a new full time job, left my old gig, and quit volunteering. That's when the desire to do nothing outside of my 9 to 5 kind of quashed everything. But, now I've had a few months of adjusting to life post-college and I am settled in to my new job. I've taken up my old hobbies like knitting and reading and started a new one (I am now the keeper of a much larger fish tank). I think I'm finally emotionally ready (emotionally recovered, more like it) to get back into writing for fun. And finish this damn fic, the thought of which has never left me. 
          So thoughts? Comments? Insightful words of wisdom?


@vegapolarnorth what's a beta reader??


@vegapolarnorth find some random ass thing and become completely obsessed with it. Ive published 11.5k words for a new fanfic on ao3 just this week. Also, beta readers save lives. Without mine i wouldnt have made it past the first two chapters of my new ao3 fic


Goodness. So I've been applying for jobs and I had an interview for a lab technician position today that I feel went really well. AND I graduate next week! So I have two final papers to write, and yeah, I hope I get this job.  Also I'm reall tired and nonstop stressed right now. Here we go. Home stretch and then I can be a normal person again for a little while.


I'm going back and editing errors in old chapters that have been bothering me for a while. So if you see a heap of notifications from me today, I'm just fixing stuff. Don't mind me.


@shirayuki-Hugon Shoot yeah! Sometimes you need to step away from things for a while and let the mistakes surface. Lol then go back.


@vegapolarnorth great that u are making a difference, u know we learn from our mistakes!! 


Gah it's freezing cold today. Scratch that, it's below freezing cold today. Public schools in my area are closed because it's simply too frigid for kids to have to walk or ride the bus. And they closed my work tonight as well.
          So I'm about to head to the store after wrapping up a class project because I'm free for the rest of the day. 


"I'm a driver, I'm a winner. Things are gonna change, I can feel it."
          I'm a loser baby, and I'm waiting on the new bedspread I ordered to be delivered today. I'm also almost finished with my take home exam. Just 2 more pages to go. :)


Small edit to the last bit of part 10. Don't mind me. I finished half of my take home exam that isn't even due until Thursday. So I had some unexpected time to write. So I made some minor adjustments and am now working on part 11. 
          May even give my dog a bath later. Who knows.


"And if it's not a big thing
          You could swap and lend me
          You should stop and ask me
          Be my head, and I'll be yours"


@shirayuki-Hugon I realize how creepy this sounds but it's actually a really sweet song if you think about the meaning as asking your friend for support because you just can't think right. XD