
I’m losing a lot of motivation to keep posting on here sadly. I’d recommend following my tumblr instead since I’m more active on there rather than here. I have my acc in my bio :33


Do you ever just go through all the stages of an identity crisis while trying to figure out who and what you are. I’ve called myself at least three different sexualities, I’m still struggling on my identity. sometimes I want to be a boy other times I want to be a girl. I also have called myself by fourteen different names at this point but none of them resonate well with me. Chat, is this normal ‍♀️ 


@stvrrxrossed Oh yeah, definitely applies too, ngl, I was a mess at sixteen, if I'm honest. It's normal to question everything about yourself during your teenage years, like I said; you're forming your personality 


@Ghostofharu it’s more of early/mid teens I’m turning 16 soon


@stvrrxrossed Yeah sweets, i'm guessing you're in your late teens to early twenties? super normal! it took me yearsss to conform myself with an identity i'm comfortable with; from sexuality, gender and names. This IS the time personality and identity starts forming itself and establishing itself, so you'll be going through that for a while. but don't worry it's normal ong ong!