
Hey everyone. I just wanted to let you all know that I got into my first car accident a while ago. I’m fine now but that car isn’t going to drive any time soon. I crashed along a dirt road and I drove through a few trees in the incident. So far I’m alive and as well as can be.


@Airsoft-145 thanks for the support man.


@everdeen2002 thank I’m honestly happy to still be alive 


Hey everyone. I just wanted to let you all know that I got into my first car accident a while ago. I’m fine now but that car isn’t going to drive any time soon. I crashed along a dirt road and I drove through a few trees in the incident. So far I’m alive and as well as can be.


@Airsoft-145 thanks for the support man.


@everdeen2002 thank I’m honestly happy to still be alive 


Do you take reading requests? If so, could you read my latest short story and tell me what u think?


            Yeah that’s good I have no problem with it. You do you


@vill47 Thanks! I only put swearing in my stories to make it more for older people. Lol


            I managed to get around to reading it. It was a good short story. Some excessive swearing but not so much as to be to bothersome. The grammar is good as well. Good job 


Nearly died today helping to capture Rhinos for the purpose of transporting them to a more secure and safer location. Where that is we can know


@vill47 That's actually awesome 


@Auzzie177 oh I just work on a private nature reserve


What in the hell do todo for work!?


I am finally back in the city after two months of being on the nature reserve studying. It’s vacation time and my family has been celebrating from Thursday to now about me passing my final exam. I’m only one out of a handful that actually passed. And my journey has only just begun.


Exiting News on my studies we are leaving 3 in the morning to join in and wild animals capturing on a wildlife reserve. I’m doing very well on my studies. I’ve been very busy and will be very busy still with several practical exams and the exam itself coming up in the next 9 days. The other students (all 4 to 5 years younger than myself) are getting on my nerves a little with their over sensitivity and childish behaviour and tendencies to misinterpret my words and actions. They are supposed to be adults but clearly they don’t want to act like it. They’re is two girls here that’s I have a interest in and my ask out. And lastly I have the respect of the owner of the wildlife reserve also the people but I signed up for this study course with to the point that they take my opinion to heart. Also I got my level one and two first medical aid certificate last year (forgot to mention that) and I passed it again this year.


@vill47 I'm glad to hear studies going well. Sorry the immature adults are being children, can be beyond annoying. Two girls, very nice. Impress them with wildlife knowledge. Good job on passing those exams and getting those certificates. Hard work pays off. Contine making us proud.


I’m still busy with writing. Most of my time here in the Northern Cape is spent studying, Learning how to identify different birds and antelope by The sounds they make their behaviour and obviously how they look. It a lot harder than it sounds. There’s about 120 different bird species here alone probably 12 to 13 different antelope were several look alike. Then there is the practical game drives on how to talk to guests how to interpret natural environments and animal behaviour. As well as getting along with the other students. So far with every test given to us I haven’t got an under 80%. And catching up to the practical stuff. But I do get some downtime to continue writing but not much.


@ vill47  that's very interesting, good for you 


            The course takes people between the ages of 18 and 24. I was luckily enough to be accepted.


@ vill47  how so?


I just released that to regain my vision for my book I need to read it myself now. But there is a different book idea that I have in mind. A fantastic style story of vampires and hunters with my own unique spine on the nature of their culture, biology and history. Not sure if I should start on that or not


Sorry everyone for not understanding. I’m here on the Northern Cape studying Nature Conservation, Nature Guiding, Lodge Management, animal trafficking. Phones and computers were prohibited for quite a bit so they us students can get use to nature again and get rid of technological dependency and social media dependency. It has helped a lot and my drive to read and write books has never been this great. I’ll try to get out as much content as possible with the little free time I have. I’ll keep you all updated 


            Cool. But how old is he? The place where I am takes people from 18 to 24. 


@vill47 I need to look into it cause my cousin is on a Nature reserve in Antarctica watching the kestrel's, barn owls, and "tawny" owls. P.s. I hope that's how it's spelled lol


            Well me and my family just Sind up and came to the wildlife reserve where it is held for an interview and they accepted me. All  happening in the Northern Cape of South Africa. It’s a 9 month course starting from January in South Africa’s summer time.


My father is not only stable but also back home. He managed to convince the hospital to let him go home instead of keeping him in the ICU as he was supposed to still be there. I keep telling people my father is a persuasive man. And my family has a lot of people that is just as good and even better. So now he’s home and in as good shaped as you can get after having open heart surgery.


@ArnorianRuby yeah I’m also very excited 


Just found out my father has a irregular heart beat now after his surgery. He was supposed to be moved to a regular hospital ward but now because of that he’s being kept in the ICU ward


@vill47 praying for his recovery 


@vill47 wishing him a speedy  and safe recovery my guy


@vill47 sending prayers! I hope your father recovers 