
40 messages when we got back...DAMNNNN We feels so loved, but a lot going on so if we dont reply to you not a good time :/ MUCH LOVE FOR YOU ALL!! ~Jax


I miss you jaxie more then anything, you were an amazing person weird funny crazy obnoxious and a butt head but on the very top of that you were sweet caring loving you were like an older brother to me,  losing you hurts more then I could probably ever imagine I will miss talking to you but I wont ever forget you and the amazing fun times we had,  its sad that a person with such a big heart had to go so soon, the day that you left will be the day I will never forget and to make sure that wont happen ill get it tattooed on my wrist I know that's strange but I want to be forever reminded that you weren't letting go because you were weak but that you were strong enough to let go I know that sounds horrible and I'm sorry, jax the thought of never being able to talk to you kills me so much and I want to say "yes I'm ok" but the truth is I cant because it will just be a lie what ever it was that hurt you so much to let go I'm so sorry I wish you didn't have to hurt like you were,  jax were ever you are I hope its amazing and when I see you again ill tell you everything I love you <3 R.I.P jax 
          colline when ever no matter the time day I don't care if you need to talk to me ill be right here don't forget that ok.


Hi ! (:


@vodka-- okay maybe tonight ? I'll try. Kind of getting yelled at for texting too much lol


@umhi_tori haha me either pm sometime >.<


@vodka-- lol Idk what to say.


How come i feel ugly when i see you twos bio? oh right cause you guys are very good looking and im a freaking trash can


@vodka-- thanks you but i am and i feek like it as well.


@bubaboo233 no you are not