The red head silently sat on the counter, it was late incredibly so. But she was up, probably the only time when she could be what she was. It was normal for her, to hide that part, since the Red Room did a lot more then she would let anyone know. Oh yes, the lucky few that they found even more worthy would be given a gift, which was just as bad as the graduation to her. Worse since she had to legit do something a little not so pretty thing from time to time to keep control of herself. Fury was the only one who knew, which is why he would make her go on missions solo so much. Her hands worked quietly away, on a wound she had gotten was bad. Even with what she was it would take time for it to heal. Of course she did not realize another was present in the room, her guard dropped as she used her hands to spin and create webbing. Making it loose enough for her to use as thread to stitch the wound up. In her more human looking form she quietly joked about how she was that kid from Brooklyn, minus the wall crawling. Only doing that when she… lets just say grew more legs on her.