Hi world! Merry Christmas Eve! Anywho I was tagged by the amazing @free_flame ( The Subjectively Selfish Sack of Sand) <---- Btw how do you come up with these names?? You are so creative. XD 1. do you like some one? If all my k drama male leads, K-pop husbands and fictional characters count then HELL YEAH I do! but in real life sadly no man has been able to make it up to my high standards. (talk about being forever alone >.<) 2. Do they like you back. *inserts creepy smile here* Well Tao said he LOVES all his fans so..... 3. middle name? Alyse which is just a fancy way of saying Alice. *hair toss and belts out, "I'm so fancy" extremely off key while my siblings are yelling in protest. 4. Single or taken I'm single as a Pringle in real life but in my imagination I'm married to Huang ZiTao. XD 5. Last person you texted? One of my closest friends @nanililo14 She's incroyable!! (Love you!!!) 6. Last sonng you heard? Confession Song by Got7 ( I'm feeling very christmas-y) :D 7. battery percent? 89% phone and 83% laptop 8. Closest female friend? Um there is more than one that I'm very close too. 6 in total you all know you you are and thank you for putting up with me I know I'm a bit crazy XD And my wattpad people! @free_flame and @GiantSquidOfHogwarts I love you two! <3 ( J King I know I was MIA for awhile sorry!! ) 9. closest male friend. Wanni!!!! My love bucket. I love this kid he's like my older brother (even though he's two weeks younger) He's one of my favorite people. Oh and my 2 brothers that are my friends two. Love you all. 10. otp Ha Na and Choi Won (My ship has sailed so I'm happy!! :D) tagging: @hislovebreezy @LJ_Jenkins @Beautifully-mixed @nanililo14 @JustJen

@1aur3n_1aur3n i (who used to be LJ_Jenkins) literally just saw this. Can you pm the questions to me?