

Thanks for the memes  I miss you so much and I'm super excited that I'll see you next year because I heard so many different   things from so many different people about what was going on and I'm just glad to hear from you.  Here's a meme in return❤️. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/581/526/3a7.jpg


Hey it's Maiclinn. I probably won't be able to talk/type for the rest of the Summer, but I have time now. I'm so sorry that you're not doing well and I wish I could help. Please, hold on at least until school starts because I'm going to MJHS this year so I hope to see you. Look, Perry is (and always has been) a jackass. I really wish that you didn't have to go through all that. If it's ok with you, I'm going to hug you the next time we see each other. And also bitch slap Perry :) Anyway, you have NO idea how much I care about you, and I hate that you go through all this. You don't deserve any of it. And you're NOT whiny. You're the least whiny person I know, so don't listen to anyone else. They don't know you. I hope the rest of your Summer is better than it has been so far. Please hold on. ❤️Maiclinn


            Just copy and paste it into your search bar. I know all the quotes are weird, but they cheer me up :) I don't know how to express how much I care about you and hate that your hurting in words, but just know that you've ALWAYS got me. Anything you need. Anytime. Please, try to hold on and be positive until we see each other again ❤️


you are perfect exactly the way you are. There is no need to change anything except the thoughts that you aren't good enough.