
/      #    jesse     please     stop      flirting    w     everyone


*   /    he’s a himbo i expect nothing less 


there was no warning  ,  that was for sure  .  no warning from the cybernetic man when those arms swiftly brought the blade from it ' s sheathe  .  only body noise  ,  the whirring of machinery and light footsteps before it happened  .  steel coming straight to that cowboy ' s throat  ,  metal body making sure the other ' s was against the concrete of the wall and those scarlet hues practically stabbing daggers up into those chocolate orbs before his body threatened to  .  this moment was filled with silence for only a minute before words matching his gaze left his covered lips  .   ㅤ"   ㅤleave  .  me  .  / alone /  . ㅤ  " ㅤ  


those  ' beautiful '  red hues most certainly weren ' t taking to the  . .  / beauty /  standards  ,  holding only intense hatred and anger matching the moment in which had been happening  .  scarred hand gripping that tsuka with the edged metal almost centimeters away from delicate  ,  tanned flesh  .  it caught him off guard  ,  that grin did  .  such an intimidating and threatening look faltering only for a moment when an eyebrow raised  .  kuso  !  this westerner had a point  .  it caused his facial expression to return  ,  gaze looking to the side then back  .  a hostile grumble  ,  more so a growl perhaps  ,  leaving the cybernetics as the honed edge quickly got far from anyone ' s flesh and into it ' s sheathe  .    "   my point still stands  ,  / mccree /  .   "    finally did the whirring mechanics of that body back from the other  ,  backing  / far /  away that was for sure  . 


HIS  ARMORS  COLD .      both  to  touch  ,    and  to  theory     —     as  his  hands  instinctively  go  to  grab  at  the  ninja’s  wrists  ,       all  the  while  his  breath  hitches  in  his  throat .       he  can  feel  is  his  gloved  hands  touching  along  metal  and  tubes ,     yet  he  seems  to  solely  focus  on  genji’s  red  hues .        BEAUTIFUL  ,     he  thinks  ,      though  he’s  soon  to  mentally  scold  himself  for  thinking  such  a  thought .     ‘    you’re  about  to  die  ,    you  idiot    —    focus    !   ’     
            ..     &    so  he  does .     his  eyes  stay  glued  to  the  ravenettes  intense  stare ,    all  the  while  his  face  flushes  a  faint  pink .     he  studies  the  way  genji’s  brows  furrow  deeper  into  themselves  as  he  glares  at  him   ;      how  his  blade  only  stutters  while  his  breathing  sharpens .     the  only  moment  he  looks  away  is  when  he  finally  speaks  ,     voice  a  few  syllables  away  from  breaking  ,    yet  still  strong .
            he  smiles .
            “     can’t  leave  ‘ya  alone  if  i’m  pinned  here  ,    shimada .     if  anythin ,    i  think  ‘ya  want  me  ‘ta  keep  botherin  ya .      ”


ah,    jesse   mccree!     how's  my  favorite  cowboy?       


possibly,    or  maybe  it's  just  because  i  train  more  than  expected  of  me.     *    a  grin  formed  on  the  egyptian's  features  as  she  watched  the  flustered  cowboy  friend  of  hers  TRY  to  justify  himself.    *      some  can,,    but  by  the  way  you  are  acting —     it's  only  common  of  me  to  assume  such  things.     now  come  on  -    do  you?  


wooow     ..     rude      !       *      lightly  punching  his  companions  shoulder  ,     he  nearly  falls     —     all  of  a  sudden  being  pulled  into  a  headlock  which  ,     admittedly  ,     took  the  air  right  out  of  his  lungs .      hat  falling  to  the  ground  ,    he  wheezes .      *      holy  cow      !      ‘s  the  military  feedin  ya’ll  some  type  of  super  serum     ??      jeez     —      *      when  finally  registering  the  females  words  ,     the  cowboy  stops .     he  nearly  falls  slack  in  fareeha’s  grip  as  his  face  erupts  into  an  explosion  of  reds     ;      metal  hand  going  to  pull  the  arm  around  his  off  his  neck  ,        (   somehow   )     successfully  pulling  her  away  from  him  .      guess  training   WAS   worth  it  after  all  .      *       it  ain’t  like  that      !      i  just  thought  he  was  cute     —      can’t  friends  call  eachother  cute      ?!


.         oh  please,      maybe  seeing   / you /   every  day  was  the  reason  i  entered  that  life  in  the  first  place,    cowboy.     *     a  hearty  laugh  came  from  the  egyptian  at  his  gesture,      and  she  pulled  him  into  a  headlock,   a  grin  forming  on  her  features.  *     ooh!    so  you've  got  a  crush  on  the  bow  man?      haha!    i  knew  it,    mom's  been  telling  me  all  about  it.     the  gremlin,    too.     you  have  to  tell  him,    you  guys  would  be  cute  together!  


[ time for soft crackhead hours!]
          “How do I look cowboy!” The hacker remarked wearing a western like outfit she snickered fixing the black hat 


            “I already have the purple hair dye prepared” she said with a bright smile crossing her arms rubbing her eyes “but jessi you miss your arm some times?”


oh  ,     hey     !     i  see  my  fashion  choices  have  really  rubbed  off  on  ‘ya  ,      huh      ?     man     —     gabe’s  gonna  hate  it     —      *     a  small  snicker  escapes  the  taller  being   ,     his  hand  grasping  at  his  chest  as  he  wheezes      *      guess  i  really  gotta  get  ‘em  highlight  now      —


um,,     mr.  mccree?     you  need  to  finish  up  your  file  before  you  head  out..     please..   ?    


.      i  believe  that  is  everything.      *     amber  orbs  scanned  the  papers,    before  pushing  her  glasses  up  her  forehead  to  rest  atop  her  blonde  hair.    with  a  gentle  smile,    she  nodded,    before  it  immediately  faltered.     (   let ' s  just  say  she  wasn't  used  to,,   compliments?   )   *     oh.     well,     thank  you..    monsieur,    should  i  be  flattered?     um.    well,    it  was  a  pleasure  to  speak  with  you..     i  am  maeva..    i  suppose  i  will  see  you  around,    monsieur  mccree?    


*      taking  a  pen  from  one  of  the  empty  tables  ,    jesse  calmly  saunters  his  way  over  towards  the  shorter  female     —      gloved  hands  flicking  back  and  forth  as  he  began  writing  in  the  instructed  areas .     surprisingly  ,     for  a  guy  that  doesn’t  write  often  ,    his  hand  writing  wasn’t  all  too  bad  .     (    cough  cough  thanks  to  ana  cough  cough    )     *      there  we  are      !     that  should  be  ‘everythin  right      ?      would  hate  for  ‘ya  ta  get  scolded  by  yer  boss     ,,     especially  because  of  me      !      and     ..     don’t  worry    ;     yer  timidness  is  rather  cute     !


yes,,    yes—    you  are  correct.       *     running  a  hand  through  her  shoulder  length  locks,    she  nodded.     walking  around  the  desk,   she  stood  beside  him  and  pointed  out  the  lines  on  the  paper .     *       here   &   here..     it's  quite   easy.     &     once   again,     i  apologize.     dr.   liao  has  gotten  onto  me  for  being  rather..    timid,    as  well.     oh  -   !     &   you  need  to  make  sure  to  sign  in  print   &   your  regular  signature.     


don't   think   you're   off   the   hook   yet ,   cowboy    —    i   have   plenty   of   questions   for   you ,   too .


damn  .     people  ‘r  real  creative  nowadays  ,    aren’t  they    ?     though  i  think  i’ll  stick  ‘ta  callin  ya  firecracker  ,    if  ‘ya  don’t  mind  .      *     visibly  cringing  at  the  varied  assortment  of  slurs  ,     the  young  man  simply  leans  back  into  his  seat  ,    gaze  starting  to  wander  off  towards  the  rooms  doors  .     he  boredly  wonders  what  genji’s  doing  .     *     well     —     it’s  what  you’d  expect  ,    y’know     ?     with  overwatch  taking  the  front  with  publicity  ,    i.e.    ;     you  guys  .     *    he  noticeably  looks  back  to  give  the  female  a  look  ,    before  turning  back  towards  the  window  ,     continuing .    *     which  allows  us  at  blackwatch  to  handle  things  that  are  a  ‘lil  messier  .    i  know  i  shouldn’t  tell  ‘ya  all  of  this  ,    but    ..    what’s  the  harm  ,    right    ?     besides  ,    most  people  don’t  like  ‘ta  focus  on  blackwatch  .     not  when  that  golden  boy  continues  to  smile  towards  the  public   ..


this message may be offensive
mhm .   i'm   beginning   to   regret    it .   [   no   —   she's   not .   morrison   and   reyes   were   completely   unlikely   to   spill   something   with   the   sticks   they   had   jammed   up   their   asses ,   ziegler   was   busy ,   and   amari   was   too   sharp .   jesse   mccree ,   the   laid   back   type   —   he   was   the   perfect   one   to   target .   not   to   claim   he's   incompetent ,   but   . .   she   digresses .   ]   firecracker ?   no .   bitch ?   pest ?   asshole ?   yes .   but   back   to   the   questions ,   [   she   makes   no   move   to   take   the   seat   across   from   him ;   instead   using   her   position   to   level   keen   grey   hues   upon   the   hero  ]   tell   me   how   blackwatch   is   doing .


heh     —      if  ‘ya  wanted  someone  humble  ya  should’ve  went  to  ,    well    ,,     anybody  else     !     in  fact  ,     ‘yer  lookin  at  overwatch’s   grade  -  A   narcissist  ,     ‘darlin     !     *     he  jests  ,    and  yet  refrains  from  actually  joking  around  .    in  some  odd  way  he  seems  un  -  sure  about  the  females  presence  ,    but  is  still  prone  to  loosen  up  the  tense  situation  .     lips  curving  downwards  ,     he  finally  sits  .    *     ‘yer  quite  the  firecracker  ,     has  anybody  told  ‘ya  that      ?      


excuse  me   ?    i  ..   i  can’t  see  over  you  .    


*   eating  slow  ,   he  listened  carefully  .   at  this  point  ,   the  other  was  just  spitting  just  coherent  enough  advice  ,   but  the  pilot  still  listened  .   besides  ,   he  didn’t  mind  if  he  talked  too  much  .   it  just  gave  him  more  time  to  stall  *    mhm  ..    i  think  i  met  him  when  i  first  walked  in  actually  .   he  seemed  ..   a  bit  serious  .   you  and  hana  are  the  only  two  with  a  lighter  mood  ,   i  swear  .   *  ah  ,   that  was  rich  ,   coming  from  someone  who  was  as  dull  and  serious  as  the  rest  of  the  people  here  .    but  ,   really  .   why  would  he  hang  around  his  fellow  meka  pilots  if  it  weren’t  for  his  very  subtle  appreciation  for  their  upbeat  attitudes  *   i’ll  make  sure  to  keep  you  two  in  mind  ..   *   mentally  ,   he  made  a  note  to  try  not  to  lose  track  of  the  southerner  in  the  same  way  he  never  lost  track  of  hana  .   then  ,    he  lifted  his  bowl  to  his  lips  and  practically  chugged  down  all  the  extra  broth  left  over  .   exactly  as  a  normal  person should  do  *   i  ..   wasn’t  that  surprised  .   i’d  be  more  confused  if  you  pulled  out  a  gun  and  started  eating  with  that  .    *   was  he  trying  to  make  a  joke  there  ?   who  knows  .    he  sounded  dead  serious  regardless  *   


ya  could  say  that  again   ,,       *      at  the  small  joke  towards  hana  the  older  male  smiles  .      don’t  get  him  wrong  ,     he  loves  hana  to  bits  and pieces  ,    but     ..      the  overwhelming  temptation  to  leave  her  at  a  mcdonald’s  indoor  playground  is  HIGHLY  strong  .     the  thought  alone  garners  a  snort  to  leave  the  man  ,    he  head  shaking  once  more  .     with  another  bite  of  his  soba  ,    he  continues .     *     sure ,    that  makes  sense  .     though  ,    here’s  a  friendly  little  tip  ‘fer  ya     :      just  smile  ‘n  nod .    jack    —     the  old  guy  with  a  76  on  his  jacket    —     he’ll  most  likely  be  the  one  helping  ya  around  so  ,     just  try  ta  stick  by  him  if  you  can’t  .    if  you  lose  him  then  just  wander  around  .    ‘yer  here  to  stay  ,    ‘nways  .     meetings  can  always  be  rescheduled  if  needed  .     *     shrugging  off  his  own  words    (  cause  honestly  he’s  too  busy  eating  to  actually  realize  anything  he’s  saying  )    the  cowboy  whisks  his  chopsticks  around  the  noodles  and  soup  base  ,    offering  the  other  a  grin  .     *     you’ll  do  great  .     newbies  usually  get  special  treatment  ‘til  their  ready  to  go  on  their  own .     besides  ,    you’ve  got  me  ‘n  hana  now  .    just  find  us  when  yer  lookin  fer  somethin’  .      ‘n   also     —      *      he  takes  another  bite  ,    before  setting  the  wooden  chopsticks  atop  the  rim  of  his  bowl .     *      no  need  ‘ta  look  so  surprised .      ‘m  an  old  fella     —      it  was  only  a  matter  of  time  before  i  got  used  to  these  darn  things     ,,     younger  me’d  be  proud  .     no  longer  need  to  stab  everything  to  eat     —


well  i  —   *  he  cut  himself  off  ,   not  even  bothering  to  defend  is  tone  all  the  sudden  .   he  wasn’t  wrong  .  michi  really  didn’t  imagine  this  man  to  be  capable  of  even  motivational  quotes  .   he  was  definitely  not  giving  him  as  much  credit  as  he  needed  ..   yeah  —   he’d  have  to  work  on  that  *   oh  ,   yes  .   there’s  never  really  a  dull  moment  ..   don’t  tell  her  this   ,    but  it  gets  a  bit  exhausting  sometimes  around  her  .   *  he  cracked  a  very  ,   VERY  brief  smile  ,   having  it  show  as  awkward  as  ever  .    actually  ,   as  the  smile  faded  ,   he  once  again  realized  that  he  had  doubted  this  cowboy  a  little  too  hard  .   when  he  grabbed  his  own  pair  of  chopsticks  ,   he  didn’t  expect  the  other  to  do  so  as  well  .   he  almost  thought  the  man  just  wanted  to  impress  him  ,   but  sitting  down  made  him  rethink  his  whole  image  *    ..   huh  ?   ah  —   sorry  .   *  shaking  off  the  surprise  ,   he  cleared  his  throat  slightly  *   um  ,   not  really  .   i’m  guessing  it’s  just  because  i’m  new  ..   still  ,    it  could  be  anything  .    