Hai sweethearts!
So now that the hardest part of SOM has been battled through, re-written, and cried over, it's finally time for the real machines to get pumping! I'm hoping to at least get a new chapter out every week, and soon enough this baby will be done cookin'! Once I've finished Skies, I plan on working on 8000, then a game fanfic I haven't begun yet called Blink (to all you dreamfall and longest journey fans, get exited!!!). Hopefully I'll be able to finish Hunger as well. Even though it's only been one chapter in, my friends have given me good reviews for it. As for Ashiea, I'm not so sure. I know a lot of you have read it and liked it but it's scrappy and written by an inexperienced 7th grader. It will have to undergo heavy editing and perhaps have a total makeover like how my first story ever, Skies had to go through. I thank all of you for reading my dusty stuff, even though it's been a slow few years. I promise from now on I'll be able to pump out more, and please, NEVER be afraid to give me criticism. I'm not saying feel free to call me a dumbutt but if there's something you guys aren't sure of or think needs to be covered (plot holes especially!) TELL MEE!
Love you all, Kisses and stuff