Thanks so much for your interest and votes on my stories! I am so honoured you've taken such a keen interest in my fictons, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate your votes and comments :D Many thanks! -- Swimming the Same Deep Waters https://www.facebook.com/swimmingthesamedeepwaters/

I have no idea how on earth did you find me but YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for reading and voting Entwined ♡ I hope you’ll have an amazing day cos you just made mine!! It’s my baby and I really appreciate your support cos I know how it feels like to have none ♡ P.s. The second book Enamoured and spinoff Engulfed, Enthralled, and Enchanted are available on Wattpad! ♡

@ agatharoza Hi ! I don't know how I found your books but I love them. I just makes me so happy and I can't stop reading. I already started reading the other ones too. I'm happy I made your day. Good luck !! ❤

wanneer komt er nog een boek online? Ik wacht al vol spanning! Je kan btw super goed schrijven en ik ben je grootste fan xxx

@ FloreMonbaliu hahahha flore er is toch niemand inbdebwerels als jou wi. Je bent meber eentje xx

Omg love de naam

Loveee youuuu xxx

Hahahahahha fruitsap liefduuh

Zitaaa Thanks voor de stemmen xx Je bent men sterretje x

Je bent echt de beste!! Ik heb je zo gemist Zonder jou voelde ik me zo leeg en was niet meer blij Nu we weer contact hebben kan ik weer lachen Kan ik weer genieten En dat al dankzij onze eeuwige band ♥️♥️♥️
