
Editing The Boy Next Door at the moment! This time it's actually readable. Check it out and give me feedback so I can improve my writing! 


And I just need to mention how thankful I am. Thank you so much for reading my stories even though the update sucks. 
          I mean, I have 2,18K reads on my TBND?! That's siick and I just wanted to thank you. 
          I hope you'll continue read, I'll write as much as I can now on my summerbreak. Xx


I really need to step up my game though. I have'nt written in soo long. I feel so bad:( But the thing is, I have no clue on what I should write. I'm just sitting there looking on a empty page.. All my previous ideas just feels ruuuubbissshh right now. 


Hey! Long time no see! 
          I'm so sorry for that. You have every right to hate me.. But maybe you'll hate me alittle less because I published a new story! I really like it and it's basically done! I just need to publish the chapters. Btw I'm thinking about deleting SOML. I want to focus on the new story (Bite the bullet) and TBND :)  -Nialler_1105


Just looked at my old stories like YMSL and seriously.. How bad was I at english?! I know I'm not the greatest now but stil.. I can't believe I actually posted that fiction.. Anyways.. Hope you all have a great summer! ~Clara 


Okay so if non if you noticed I've been canging my profile alittle. Hope you like the changes bc I do alot and I think it will keep me writing! You may also know my new story. Story of my life! It may seem alittle like TBND but it won't. I promise. The things that've happend to the main character is a true story. This have actually happend to a girl in my age (16). So this story is alittle dedicated to her. Hope you like the story and tell me what you think!
          /Love Nialler_1105


Just logged in to see if I stil had any followers since I've have'nt been on for a while.. And I saw that I had 207 reads on my Harry Styles fanfiction!! I really can't believe it! I'm so thankful! I'm gonna try to update tonight!