
Ugh guys I am so sorry, I got sick yesterday and couldn't post anything. Hopefully I'll be able to either post something tonight or tomorrow but we'll see how I feel 


Okay so in case any interested party is following me, as far as Anarchy in the US goes, I'm editing (not completely altering or reposting necessarily) chapters 1-7 because I dislike my portrayal of autism and want to change it. I will not disclose whether or not Ludwig actually has autism until the time comes in the future. Chapters 1 and 2 will be altered and update tonight and my projected finish date is mid to late January.
          For This House Is Not A Home, I have actually posted the third and final chapter on Ao3 and forgot to post it on here. I will be doing that tonight as well since it'll literally take a second. Keep in mind there is a oneshot sequel in the works and since it is a series I will continue after that as well.


I'm currently working on a one-shot right now. Getting that idea out of the way. It's in my little plot bunny list. It's 2 characters from Naruto, and it's seriously a crack pairing. Which is to say... it's KarinxSuigetsu. But I find it interesting and wanted to try something new :) I think it will be in the mainverse... probably centred while Mizuki is growing up. 


Hi. I came to say I loved "This House Is Not A Home". One of the best FanFics I ever read! The flashbacks made me cry the first time I found it on Ao3 and the plot it's just amazing! I'm glad I found you on Wattpad to keep reading this great history.


@wintergenesis Don't worry! :') I'm glad I made you feel good! ^-^


@Ships_4_Life Oh my goodness I never replied to this!!! Thank you so much. This means a lot to me, I really take pride in that particular fic. My updates have definitely slowed since I work full time and now have classes part time. But I'm hoping to have the first fic in this little series I'm doing completed soon! Thank you so much and I'm so glad you found me here on Wattpad as well as Ao3!! Honestly I can't tell you enough how much your words mean to me. :')


I'm sick. So the next chapter of Anarchy in the US may be later than I'd intended.


No problem dear :)
            Take care of yourself !


I don't know if it's just me being moody, but there are a lot of silent readers on Wattpad... and while I appreciate my stories are even being read at all? I'm not getting feedback. And it's just beginning to get very frustrating, especially when I work so hard on a chapter and I just... I feel like nothing is coming of my work. Yeah, I love to write despite attention I do or do not receive. But... Well, see, I stopped putting my works up on FanFiction. I don't like the censorship and policing on there. I want to write what I write, and not be told (by the admin) that it is wrong and/or not allowed. I don't appreciate those sorts of rules. So I came here, and continue to publish on Ao3. But the tradeoff is rough.  Where many people commented and gave feedback on FanFiction, I rarely get that on Ao3 and almost never on Wattpad.
          Don't get me wrong. I'm not asking anyone to sing my praises. But a vote would be nice, if you read. And a comment, even if it's just "You missed an apostrophe in x paragraph." Something that lets me know you're engaged, something that tells me how to improve, something in particular that you like about my writing that you want to encourage me to continue in, a headcanon that you agree or disagree with! Just, something. Anything. I feel like this is one of those sites that is very lonely for the unestablished author. And it sucks, okay? It does.
          I'm sorry for the negativity. I am. But I just wanted to get my feelings out there... even though no one is going to read this. Nonetheless, venting makes me feel better.