
:))))))))) heyyyyyyyyyYyyyyYyyyYyy


For anyone wondering why Dreams is no longer visible on my profile, I want to explain! I decided to unpublish it and put it on hold—not because I’ve given up, but because I have much bigger plans and ideas for it. Right now, everything feels rushed, and I wasn’t happy with how I wrote it.
          That said, don’t worry! I’m not deleting it. Instead, I’m rewriting and taking my time to develop a much better plot. I promise Dreams will return, but it’ll come back slowly, with the care it deserves.
          I’m sorry to those who have to wait. I know it’s Christmas, and I’d originally planned to write and release five chapters, but as I worked on them, I realized I didn’t plan things out properly. So yeah, bear with me! Thank you for understanding. ❤️


So sad but tyt otornim im willing to wait


@winterismywife No worries authorniim!! ^⁠_⁠^


and PS: Im gonna be honest! (TO part 2) had a rushed ending cuz i got pissed at a chatter and I regret it alot >.< the ending couldve been better but welp too late!! Thats why I will have a redemption arc with my new book Dream! so please wait patiently hehe


HI IM BACK!!! I promise to update tomorrow!!  Look forward to it guys >.<


@winterismywife YaaYYY Thank youuuuu