Hey there i just discovered ur writing and finished reading single af and tbh it drove my mind away especially the ending, how it was an open getaway btw r u planning on posting a sequel ?? And any tips for me as i am a newbie so how can i like make people see my work ??

oh and for ppl seeing your work I’d say update as often as you can, have an interesting title and an interesting cover photo, and make your description short sweet but just enough info to give a taste of your story but not give away the whole plot!

hi!!! so I wrote these YEARS ago and I sort of stopped writing in general, only work on one piece every now and then that may never be fully developed bc I’m not a writer haha but no sequel for Single AF unfortunately :( not very into writing romance-y things so much anymore ! as for tips considering I was very stream of consciousness type writing the only advice I have is to storyboard or have a timeline of events before you write so there’s structure and it doesn’t veer off into something else!! hopefully that answered all your questions, thank u for reading!