Hey guys! I know it's been quite a while, but with the Summer finally up and rolling, I've been working hard to do a few much needed tweaks to Caidoz. These include:
~Stronger characters
~Improved grammer
~A dramatic increase in humor
~Subtle tweaks
I have recently rewritten Chapter 6 and, though I will probably revisit them, the previous chapters before should also be good to go! So far, I have not encountered any reasons to change the overall plot, so IF YOU HAVE ALREADY READ the parts I have already published, there SHOULDN'T be a giant need to reread, but I would HIGHLY recommend it as this was a story I started working on in the EIGHT GRADE up until now.
As I working from the bottom up, I recommend that you wait until the all clear is given on the book as I included characters in chapters that were not there previously and then I have to fix the next chapter and the next, haha~
Long story short, Caidoz is coming back...
And it will be better then ever...