Hey, all Come one come all! to all of you who have been waiting so patiently I have finally done it. A new chapter of Chivalrous is up! I finally have the time to focus and I need you all to kick me in the rear to help me remember to keep it up! Hope you enjoy, and I will be going back and forth between this story and the new on I've been working on in the background the "Seattle Files." May the pages ever be in you favor! XD
Hey, all Come one come all! to all of you who have been waiting so patiently I have finally done it. A new chapter of Chivalrous is up! I finally have the time to focus and I need you all to kick me in the rear to help me remember to keep it up! Hope you enjoy, and I will be going back and forth between this story and the new on I've been working on in the background the "Seattle Files." May the pages ever be in you favor! XD
To all my friends, sorry I've been gone this long! I've been on a haiatus from wattpad for college finals. I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN YOU GUYS. I MISS YOU ALL. HMU PLEASE :)
Give this heart (❤<3) to everyone you don't want to lose in 2014, including me, if you care. Bonne annee!!! I'm glad that we met! You made Wattpad awesome for me with your, well, awesomeness! Hope you're working on that story. ;) Mdr. XOXO Carina <3