Before Sunrise reached 1k reads and it makes me so happy! It might be nothing compared to the many stories on Wattpad that have many k's or even millions of reads, but I started all over again on Wattpad with Before Sunrise this year. So these 1k reads and also the 89 votes and all the comments I have gotten so far, mean everything to me. Everything. Especially knowing that this is only the beginning. It gives me even more motivation to work hard on my stories. I have so many goals I want to achieve on here and I'm willing to work very hard for it.
I could have never gotten 1k reads with only 8 chapters if it wouldn't have been for the amazing @yuenwrites She read my story and even voted on it and that's something I'm her forever grateful for. I got so many new readers because of her. In case you haven't read anything by her yet. Please go do that right now. She is such an amazing writer and truly an inspiration to me.
Again, thank you, to all of you! Before Sunrise only just started and so have I. I have so many more story ideas, of which you will be seeing more in the future. I have only just started out.