hey, to anyone seeing this, i have been locked out of this account. i'm just really stressed right now because i'm trying to remember the email to this account, and it's just vv unlikely that i'm going to remember it. for the time being, i'm going to try my best to recreate the stories on this profile onto my new one from memory because i solely relied on wattpad for jotting down notes on stories. bad move. highly dont recommend it. so, if you see this, please check out this account cause i'll be writing on here. if you don't believe me, i'll happily give any proof that i owned this account, as long as it isn't asking me to sign into this account because, well, i can't. i'm trying my best to get signed back into it, but i wouldn't get my hopes up. till next time!

this message may be
tbh, i'm considering just giving up completely on this because my memory is shit. but who knows, maybe i'll eventually remember :,>