im Lawliet..
Call me L.
i love sweets..
enough of me though..
here's Pseudono...
the creator of the books..
HELLOOO!!! my name's Pseudoo.. -not a real name- its CLASSIFIEED!
soo, i hope you would read my story and like, comment and shaaare!! hehehe ;)

ohh, and i sooo super loove SUPERNATURAAL!!! theyre sooo.. MyStEriOus... *wiggles brows*
especiallyy hunkyy vampires!! and mermaids! and lycans, faeries, zombies, ghost, dwarfs, giants, and the like.. ^^

oh, Lawliet, its your turn to end this "About Me" stuff...

okay.. now youve read pseudo's stuff.. we're done..

-Leonardo Laurence Lawliet XI.
  • انضمNovember 2, 2012


الرسالة الأخيرة
xLawlietx xLawlietx Oct 21, 2014 12:40AM
Now Eating : Chocolate lava cake topped with vanilla ice cream and chocolate sprinkles.
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