Hiya, could you possibly read my book? It's called Fixable and it would mean so much if you could check it out. Thank youu if you can. Also, Evalasting looks amazing, I've added it to my library and I'll be sure to read it asap :)
<3 I love all you writers that I follow on WP an those I may follow in the future. Reading seriously is the greatest adventure/getaway. I can not explain to you how much I appreciate your stories that I get to read every day. I may not comment on every chapter or vote but I try to and If I don't I do go back and do so. Trust me your stories are all so worth it, I just happen to get caught up in reading them that I can hardly focus on anything but that. Another thing is I will not beg or demand updates, I will ask very politely because I may not be a full time writer and I am more of a reader but the moment i began my attempt at writing I realized that putting an idea from your head and forming it into something complete and understandable is a difficult task. Like many have said in the past "A true masterpiece take time to complete." That is my reason for not rushing you or demanding another chapter like you owe it to me or something. It's downright rude because you are taking your time to write something for everyone to enjoy.