@xXDeathKentonXx - Naruto Neglect- Descendiente de Sparda - quiero saber si esta novela tendra mas capitulos o necesitas ayuda de forma de consejo dime cual es tu respuesta
@Kodoku-no-Asura Caillou probs had cancer, survived cancer, grew up to be pre-one-punch-man Saitama, then lost the hair again permanently due to stress from the insane regiment he put himself through.
@xXDeathKentonXx - Naruto Neglect- Descendiente de Sparda - quiero saber si esta novela tendra mas capitulos o necesitas ayuda de forma de consejo dime cual es tu respuesta
@Kodoku-no-Asura Caillou probs had cancer, survived cancer, grew up to be pre-one-punch-man Saitama, then lost the hair again permanently due to stress from the insane regiment he put himself through.