
Remember to always ask someone if they are okay. They may seem perfectly fine but many times, the ones who are hurting the most are the best actors.
          	Even if they tell you they’re fine and they don’t open up, they’ll at least feel a little better knowing someone cared enough about them to ask if they were okay.
          	Just a few seconds of your life to ask someone if they are having a good day, not much to ask. Yet, we are in a world where so many people feel alone and have no one who cares or is watching out for them.
          	I’m urging you to do it, even if you think they are doing fine. 
          	And even if they ARE doing fine, it’s still okay to ask! Its show’s you’re interested in their lives and will brighten their day even more!
          	So that’s what I just wanted to say. Remember that people are counting on you <3


@xXMarinaDeSantisXx Thank you for posting this. I've been depressed on and off for several years, sometimes for "silly" reasons. But finally I told my Biology and Chemistry teacher (had her twice in a row, such a godly woman!) and telling her made it easier to process and easier to tell my mom, who is now like my best friend.


@xXMarinaDeSantisXx I agree so much!! There was this problem I dealt with and my philosophy is it's life deal with it you gotta roll with the punches and I do. But my problem made me have problems (lol) and let me just say to all of you FIND A FRIEND WHO REALLY CARES!! My friend Andrew seriously helped me through it all and my problem showed me who my true friends were because they were the ones who saw past the smile and fake cheerfulness and into my heart, and they comforted me. ALSO PRAYER HELPS SO MUCH-and even when it doesn't feel like He is there, He is there and His promises are always true. 
          	  I will never leave you nor forsake you.
          	  I am doing a work in you which you would not believe even if you were told.
          	  Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, Before you were born I set you apart.
          	  I will always preserve a remnant. 
          	  Do not worry about tomorrow for I clothe the sparrow and the flower, and you are made in My image-why would I not care for you?
          	  these are all truths from His word, the only truths in this dark world. He will always lead you out, and His light is the only light.


@xXMarinaDeSantisXx ok but are we not going to talk about how after this we havent heard from her in other a month?


Read it all
          I mean it all!
          Read it all~
          If you were killed, I wouldn’t be at your funeral.
          I'd been in jail for killing the person who killed you.
          We are true friends.
          We ride together, we die together.
          Send this to everybody you care about, including me, if you care.
          See how many times you get this.
          If I do t get this back, I understand.
          But I have a game for you.
          Once you read this,
          You must send it to 15 people.
          Including me.
          If you get at least 3 back, you are loved.
          Nobody knows how important something is, until they loose it.
          Tonight, (right at 12:00am) the person you love with realise they love you.
          Then, at 1:00pm to 2:00pm, be ready for the shock of your life!
          If you break this chain, you will have back luck.
          With love, send this to the 15 people.
          If you don’t you will turn ugly in 1 year.
          A friend to,d me to do this, so pass it on.
          Tomorrow, 2 boys/girls will ask if they can ah e your number.
          Send this message to 15 nice people or bad luck starts for a whole year.
          This is not fake.
          Apparently, if you copy and paste this, you will have the best day of your life tomorrow!
          Oh! And don’t send this to a group chat!


Oh my gods I just realised I should’ve been in jail a couple years ago bc ur dead (I feel so bad I literal forgot she was dead when I posted this )


I know you won’t reply R.I.P but I wanted to send this anyway.
          Now I have a game for you, it’s been played since 1977. Once you read this you have to send it to 15 people. Your next 5 days will be like this:
          Day 1 - You will wake up to the biggest shock of your life.
          Day 2 - You will cross paths with an old friend you have missed.
          Day 3 - You will find yourself with a lot of money.
          Day 4 - Your day will be perfect.
          Day 5 - The person you like the most in your life will spend lots of time with you.
          If you don't forward this, your next 5 days will b e the exact opposite.
          Don’t break this. Send it to 15 friends in 10 mins. It’s not that hard. 
          Whoever sent this to you must care about you.