Sorry for the unreliable updates for my novel Outlaws. I've been pretty busy lately seeing as Christmas is tomorrow here in New Zealand. By the way I am also creating a new fiction novel called Raven: Blood Eye. I have not yet published the first chapter yet but I am hoping to get that sorted out and published on Christmas as my gift to u guys. I will still continue with Outlaws by the way. Also plz leave some comments about how u think the story is going at the moment and also what you enjoy most and what could be done better for a more enjoyable murderous read. Last thing before I finish up on this post is that I want to let u know that yes the story may feel pretty cruise, maybe even to cruisey for Robin Hood, but all I can say to u guys is that this story is gonna rock ur socks with death and love, deception and honour, and blood and more blood. Peace out bros and I hope u guys have a merry Christmas and Happy New year.