
@ellelovesblueroses Well thanks for the little comment about my profle pic, Ihappen to think it's absolutely adorable & you are the first to comment about it. Also the pleasure was all mine when it come to adding your book to my reading list. I read the little summery (sp? Sorry I usuall have spellcheck on my side) & the fact that I wanted to read this book hit me like a truck! Another thing, I freakin love blue roses I fanned you earlier cuz' I saw you username. Blue is one of my fav colors & I will be happy to except your blue rose and yummylicious cupcake. By the way, I'm happy to support your book!
          	                                  Love, love


@ellelovesblueroses Well thanks for the little comment about my profle pic, Ihappen to think it's absolutely adorable & you are the first to comment about it. Also the pleasure was all mine when it come to adding your book to my reading list. I read the little summery (sp? Sorry I usuall have spellcheck on my side) & the fact that I wanted to read this book hit me like a truck! Another thing, I freakin love blue roses I fanned you earlier cuz' I saw you username. Blue is one of my fav colors & I will be happy to except your blue rose and yummylicious cupcake. By the way, I'm happy to support your book!
                                            Love, love


yello omg ur profile pic is soooo cute!!! lol well I wanteed to come by and personally thank chu 4 adding my book,"Me,Myself &" to your reading list it meant alot and since I think thank chus r begining to sound boring I decided to come alond with a beautifuly amazingly awesome lookind blue rose & yummylicious cupcake! *offers cupcake nd blue rose* I hope you enjoy this as well as my book which again thank chu 4 supporting me as a wattpader by at least reading! 
          ~Elle xD


@Mera_Image I'm good at SOME sports & enjoy TRYING any of them, but I don't play either cuz' I quite like my fingers, toes, & spinal chord in one piece. As for attacking the floor been there done that... more than once, though I can't say I've ever wacked myself in the face with a hanger. By the way I am more than happy to hear that I'm not having an on going conversation with a girl named Helga who looks like a man women & hacks people apart (namely me) with a whatever weapon you named earlier. It's also great that your an inventor cuz' that means you can make me lots of new words to use so I sound totally boss! By the way since you have my back you better not break it or better yet drop me cuz' that would hurt. & one last thing. Your damn right, I'm acronymically challenged & proud!
                   Love, love


@xXxGretchenxXx lol im so glad i can give you warm fuzzies !!! lol im clumsy but im good at sports but i dont play any of them at school and lmao dude i attacked the floor before it was epic and i hit myself in the face with a hanger it REALLY hurted and lol i made up that word ! Im am inventor ! Haha bitches !!! And i look NOTHING like that man lady embodiment lol not even of i tried and lol im glad you are OOOOOH so happy about me having your backness ;) also WOOOH GO ACRONYMICALLY CHALLENGED GRETCH !!


Okay so I put some quotes or jokes or funnies or whatever the hell you want to call them on my about me thing, but I'm getting a feeling they are wasted space cuz' I haven't gotten any comments on them so I'm going to do one of two things take them off or replace them with different ones.What do you guys think?


@gotFAITH12 definitely don't drop it first off you haven't finished it & that would leave me hanging like some other storys I've read on here that just cut off in the middle & made me sad. 2nd~ If your getting a good response frome it keep going. Theres no reason to quit unless people are totally outright trash~talking your story. I think over all it's up to you weather you like this story enough to continue, but in my opinion its great & I wanna see more!  Hope that helped some.
                                                               Love, love