
It's been a while since I've posted or even been on this.
          	I'm starting a new one though..
          	Please read and tell me what yous all  think... I would really appreciate that and would like feedback on it to see if it's worth carrying on.
          	Thank you. 


Hey bbys, I have uploaded a new chapter of You Won't Get Away omg it's been so long. I think Im just so so busy and that and today I wanted to take my mind of shit so i gave my lovely's a chapter. Please read, enjoy, vote, shareee. I would love that so much! ermagod love you guys! ~StayStrongxD.


Guys, guys, guys HEY! I have a..........PHAN fiction coming soon! c: YAY! You should all be happy, i'm finally doing a Dan And Phil one damn wish me luck writing this one also hopefully You Won't Get Away will be updated tonight *all cheer* xD Love you all. ~StayStrongxD