
@Bitemeimdelicious  Oh well tell her I love her too! =] *Kissy face!* =]


My music on my page is practically in the exact same order as yours.........O_o How creepishly odd. 
          This would be the part were I should say STALKER, but its not as fun when technically I found your page. 
          And this sacred "man cave" all guys seems to have needs to ransacked by a group of girls, because guys are in them much to often. Or maybe girls should create a girl cave....... or a girl box..... or maybe a girl closet. It hardly sounds as cool as Man cave sounds though, how ass backwards. 
          Sigh, I feel so happy, not only did your poem get a retarded ass comment, you page did as well!! WOO!
          Your page says it feels honored to have my useless ramblings on it, and I say thank you. 
          Au cours et à l'extérieur. 