
@hoizer can you get off her account? I don't know / you / but it's honestly the truth this website is dead. and I'm pretty sure she gets on her to read or follow back. And who cares if just / one / person doesn't pm you. It's not like her your best friend. Or a out of character friend. I know you're probably just mad, so you Said that. it's alright but think before you speak. I would feel sad if someone told me I haven't changed. we all have changed. Just block each other and be done. Don't have to fight with her over not replying ha. Have a great day!


@hoizer can you get off her account? I don't know / you / but it's honestly the truth this website is dead. and I'm pretty sure she gets on her to read or follow back. And who cares if just / one / person doesn't pm you. It's not like her your best friend. Or a out of character friend. I know you're probably just mad, so you Said that. it's alright but think before you speak. I would feel sad if someone told me I haven't changed. we all have changed. Just block each other and be done. Don't have to fight with her over not replying ha. Have a great day!