
 @WintersWitch I know it is long overdo but thanks for the personalized message. I've read the book and I found the story original. I only write when I have a week with nothing to do and no internet. How about you?


Yep, now try this on for size. Why would someone nick name their son death. In what circles is the name of death considered good. Hint: The grim reaper is often used by these men to establish who they are.


Okay his the farthest I got is the first werewolf was mentioned in "The Epic of Gilgamesh". Gilgamesh rejects the godess Ishtar's proposal to be one of her suitors do to the crazy stuff she does to her suitors for no reason. One of them is a sheperd. She turns him into a wolf and kills everything, men (friends or foes), sheep, and even his own dogs. This seems most like werewolf behavior of power and the killing of everything. Now remember that a normal wolf can't kill a large group of dogs and men without being killed. This seems like the oldest account of werewoloves. It never says he is died or how. There are other cases where gods turn mem into powerful and crazy wolves. So that's how we can determine that it's how the first werewolf came into being.