Nothing much to say about me. To be honest, I don’t feel comfortable putting up my personal information. Okay that is a lie that I don't feel comfortable, it's just that i am lazy and can't think of what to write about myself. All I can say is that one word sums me up and that is complicated. I write about different things and situations, I just have to get it out there. So here I am. I will read just about everything. so if you have a story you can count on me to be reading. cool. but it will take alot for me to be hooked,vote,comment and blah blah blah. Yeah I am babbling. I want to fill in this box. I don’t know why. Oh and one more thing. Never judge a book by it’s cover. Lol. PEACE☮

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  • If I tell you, I would have to kill you
  • JoinedApril 29, 2011